Wednesday, December 31, 2014

What a year!

Where to start?!? All day I have been reflecting on this year. At this time last year, we had completed an IUI and I was throwing a New Years Party here at the house. The house next door was not finished being built yet and I was about to go part time at work due to infertility treatments. 

You know that saying, "the days are long but the years are short"? Well I can completely relate to that. These days, our days can seem endless - when both babies are super fussy or colicky and nothing we do seems to make it better- but the years - well they seem to fly by. I am still amazed at how quickly this year passed and how much it changed our lives for the better. One year ago today, my prayers were vastly different than they are today. I wouldn't change any of it for the world. 

As we embark on another year that is sure to pass just as quickly as the last, I thank God for the gifts He has given us. Not just this past year but every year. Despite what I thought at the time, I know that His plan for me is more than my own could ever be. And this year, I want to live surrendering to His will and letting go of my "ideal". 

Here is to a blessed and prosperous 2015! Happy New Year to all!

Happy New Year from the LPs!

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Sometimes I cry....

I'm sitting here holding my two sweet nuggets with tears streaming down my face. Never in a million years did I think I would be doubly blessed- especially when I didn't think kids were in our cards. God has blessed us beyond our wildest dreams. 

I'm crying tears of happiness. I'm so glad they are here safe and sound and I pray they know how much they are loved every day. 

I'm crying tears of fear. I fear what other kids may do or say that may hurt them. I fear them getting hurt - both physically and emotionally.  As their mommy, I want to do nothing but protect them from harm. The reality of life though is that they will know pain and they will get their feelings hurt. I pray Nick and I raise them to be strong enough to overcome all obstacles that come their way with dignity and grace. 

I'm crying tears of love. A love I've always heard of but a love I never knew. My heart could burst I love these two tiny humans more than I ever thought possible. They fill me with a happiness I never dreamed possible. 

I'm crying tears of relief. Relief that my pregnancy went as long as it did and that they got to cook as long as they did. Relief that I no longer have to prick my finger or stay in my bed. Relief that they are healthy, happy, thriving 3 month olds who are growing and changing every day. 

I'm crying tears of awe. I am in complete and utter awe of Gods creation. What did I ever do to deserve this awesome gift? I am in awe of Gods grace, His love and His story for my life. 

I cry because I'm a hormonal new mommy and my tears are for the most incredible gift I've ever been given. So LPs, know that mommy may cry sometimes. Her tears are because she loves you more than you'll ever know. 

Saturday, December 27, 2014

The LPs first Christmas!

Every year we say we are going to go small for Christmas.  We never do! This year was no exception. Everyone outdid themselves. 

I was blessed enough to be cancelled from work. I knew I had a chance because my name was drawn as #6 to be delayed but I knew there was also a chance I would have to go in. I am so thankful to have been able to spend the day with my family. We had a leisurely morning playing with the boys, eating yummy cinammon rolls, and spending time together. 

Around 1:30 we headed to The Colony to see Brent and Aubrey's new house and celebrate Christmas with the rest of the Jobs. We had a great time celebrating the birth of Jesus, opening presents and dining on yummy food. We feel blessed every year but even more so this year. The boys had no clue what was going on but boy was it fun unwrapping their gifts and talking about what our future Christmases will be like!

We came home and unpacked all of our new goodies and put the boys to bed. As I was pumping and reflecting on the day, I envisioned what it must have been like to be Mary. I know that when I hold the boys in my arms, I am completely in awe of these precious gifts God has provided for us. I can only imagine how Mary felt, holding Jesus in her arms the night he was born. Knowing that he was brought to do more on this earth than humanly imaginable. That this baby she gave birth to would live a selfless life so that we may be forgiven. That his love could conquer all. Wow. Happy birthday Jesus. You truly are the reason for the season. 

Nick, myself and the LPs

Papa, Nick, Knox, me, Pierce and Tutu

Missing Brent and Aubs

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve 2014

My how different this Christmas Eve was than last year. Last year, we had our second IUI on Christmas Eve and my prayer was for it to take. I may not have my two boys if it had. Gods plan is so perfect. It may not be in our "perfect time" but He has written our story long before we were even a twinkle in our parents eye. 

Last year I had a very heavy heart. Nick and I were trying to stay positive but the burden of infertility was weighing heavy on us. As Christmas time approached, I remember having a conversation with God. I was over bargaining with him and begging him for kiddos.  I prayed for the first time that if God didn't have children in His plans for me, to please take the desire away from my heart. I couldn't take it anymore. Praying this prayer was hard. I'm not going to lie. I so desperately wanted to become a mother, but I also knew that I had to trust in Him. He who sent his son, on Christmas Day, to save us from our sins. He sent Jesus, who paid the ultimate sacrifice that we may be forgiven and have everlasting life. 

I still have to pinch myself sometimes. We really have two little guys that are our world. God granted me what my heart had longed for. And more!!!  I could have never predicted we would be doubly blessed. What a wonder He is!

This Christmas is even more special than I ever imagined it could be. As I look at my two sweet LPs, I think about Jesus in the manger. I think about Mary and her delivery of the newborn King. Little did she know what her son would grow to do!!! My prayer today is that my boys grow up knowing the reason for the Season. That they become Godly men who exude peace and joy because they have the Heavenly Father in their hearts. Their happiness means the world to me. 

My heart is so full and we have so much to be thankful for. Our prayers were answered beyond our wildest expectations. I have several friends who are experiencing the same feeling Nick and I were having in 2013. My prayer is that God grants them the desires of their hearts. In the meantime, I pray that Nick and I can be a glimmer of hope for them. 

Happy birthday, Jesus. May everyone remember what this time of year is truly about. Merry Christmas!

Here's a look at the LPs first Christmas Eve:

Morning snuggles in their crib!

Cuddles with mommy after she didn't have to go to work

Practicing sitting up in his bumbo!

Smiles from Knox

All the LPs - Knox, Jackson, and Pierce

Visiting with Aunt Martha - aka our triplet - at mommy's work 

Knox practicing sitting up in his bumbo

Santa came!

We read, "Twas the Night Before Christmas" and left cookies for Santa and carrots for his reindeer!


Our 3 month reshoot was supposed to be this morning but we had to take a raincheck. Katie is sick and it's gloomy outside. Not good for lighting!  I'm a little disappointed but I'm glad we are waiting. Unfortunately the other times she offered won't work for us so they won't be done until January 3. Surely they won't grow that much in 2.5 weeks... I know they will. 

We spent the day playing with the boys and getting ready for Christmas Eve. We host Christmas Eve at our house most years and have a tradition of having chicken tortilla soup. This year is no exception! 

The LPs spent a little while in their cribs today. A first for them and they did surprisingly well! We did tummy time with them as well and they both took a short siesta on their tummies. Progress people! It also helps to have Tutu around to be persistent and not give in (mommy gives in when P is screaming bloody murder).

Tummy time!!! Aka nap time 

Mommy and her babes

Pierce spent some time in his bumbo. He has better head control than Knox and he did awesome - aside from spitting up - A LOT!

He spit up everywhere!!!!

We went over to Kurt and Jenny's and hung out for a while. It was so nice to catch up. The two of us switched places. Last year she was prego and this year I was. I missed our back porch talks. It felt like old times :)

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve. I can't wait to celebrate the birth of our Savior and to teach the boys the true meaning of Christmas! Toodles!

Monday, December 22, 2014

Sunday, call day

Sunday I brought home the big bucks. I had texted my sweet friend Charlotte early Sunday morning and asked her to give me a heads up if things got hairy at work. At the time, one person was delayed so I thought I might be ok. Nick went to work (they have a lot to do while everyone is home for the holidays) and the LPs and I spent a leisurely morning playing and feeding. At 12, my phone rang, I was getting called in. Boo. I immediately hung up and frantically tried to get a hold of Nick. When he answered, I updated him on what was going on and he was on his way home. Char was pushing with her patient for a few hours and had no idea it was so crazy on the floor. She felt awful she wasn't able to give me warning. It really was ok though!

The boys had been breastfeeding when I was called in. I hurriedly wrapped things up, put them in their mamma Roos and jumped in the shower. I was covered in spit up and was just plain gross. I got myself ready, changed the boys and basically slapped Nicks hand as I rushed out the door. Tag! You're it babe! We only have an hour from the time we receive the phone call to when we clock in. I literally made it right on the money. I was running in the parking lot. 

Nick was awesome and sent me pictures while I was at work :)

Nick was sweet and had gone to Starbucks and gotten me a latte around 9. I was so busy with the boys and then getting ready, that I had barely taken two sips. I brought it with me and still didn't get to finish it until around 5. I think I reheated it about 6 times- not exaggerating. 

I had some interesting patients. One who was refusing everything and one who was on drugs. Needless to say, I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off. It was no bueno.

After work, I snuck up to visit Jared, Kelly and Jackson. Jackson is so big and squishy. Ugh! He had the sweet smell of newborn that I wish I could just bottle up and inhale on a daily basis. Something about how a newborn smells is so intoxicating. Even today, the boys have a scent that I wish I could find a way to bottle. Especially their sweet breath. I love it. 

All day today (Monday), I have felt like it's the middle of the week. I'm not used to working weekends and it has thrown me for a loop. 

The boys and I hung out today and I loved on them as much as I could. My parents are on their way in for the holidays and I know I'm not going to get a whole lot of time with them with lots of people to cuddle them around. They are a tad bit spoiled when the grandparents are around ;)

We are supposed to have our make up 3 month photo shoot tomorrow but our photographer wasn't feeling well today so it may not happen. Hoping she starts to feel better and the boys cooperate at their next session. 

3 more sleeps until Santa!

Friday, December 19, 2014

Welcome baby Jackson!

Yesterday I had the pleasure of taking care of my good friend Kelly and her husband, Jared. She was 41 weeks and they were ready to meet their sweet little boy! 

She had a long day and an even longer night. Today the decision was made to proceed with a c/s. I was happy I was able to be there for her and share my experience with her. 

Sweet baby Jackson was born at 1 pm and weighed in at a whopping 8#13! No wonder he didn't want to come out! He is beautiful and has the chubbiest little cheeks that I cannot wait to pinch! Tomorrow the LPs will get meet their new buddy!

Before we went to see Kelly and Jared, we had our 3 month shots. I'm so happy Nick was able to come with me this time.  The boys did awesome! The nurses came in and gave both the boys their shots simultaneously. It definitely made our lives easier!

The girls at work were awesome. They loved on the LPs while I visited with K and J. My boss was beyond thrilled to get to see them and feed them. I'm so blessed to have had so much support during our journey and now. 

Jared and Kelly's mommas with the LPs

Debuty and Becky with the LPs

When you don't have a way to wear your baby, use a scarf :). Good job Toya!

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

3 months old!

The Little Presidents are already 3 months old. How in the world can that be? I barely remember what life was like before they were here. They bring so much joy to our lives. As much as I want them to stay babies, I can't wait to watch them grow and develop their little personalities. 

Hey buddy! You are growing like a weed!! Everyday you look bigger and bigger and last time I put you on the kitchen scale ( that's how we weigh you) you were 8#!!! You are still very vocal when you want to be held or are hungry. Sometimes I'm not sure you can be any louder. I definitely see you being a very good leader one day! You love, love, love to be held and to look around. You love to look at lights and are tracking things and turning your head towards sounds. You know mommy and daddy's voices and we coo at you all the time. You are very smiley after you eat and have the two sweetest dimples I have ever seen.  Pierce, youare so special to us. Daddy and I love you and look forward to what this next month brings. 

Hello my sweet boy. You are growing too but at a little different pace than your bro. You were over 7# the last time that we weighed you. You still spit up quite a bit and some days are better than others. The days you keep more down make mommy really happy. The days that you spit up a lot are days that you tend to be fussy. I think it's because your throat and your tummy hurt and it breaks my heart. You love to snuggle and mommy and daddy love the way that you bury yourself into us. You are getting stronger everyday. You love lights as well and you will stare at any light in your direct vision. You track everything you see.  Eating is your favorite pastime.  You have found your voice and mommy is a sucker for it. You sound like an upset kitten. You like to smile and will have cooing conversations with daddy and I. We look forward to what this next month brings and watching you grow. Love you Knox!

Time seemed to creep by when I was younger. These days, the time seems to pass rather quickly. Between feeds, diaper changes, play time, nap time and bath time, our days pass quickly. Watching the LPs grow is beyond anything I ever imagined. We love you boys. Thank you for 3 fulfilling months!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Don't go to Northpark at Christmas

Sometimes I forget how blessed I am to be a nurse. This is magnified during the holidays. I love having time off during the week to run errands and not be caught up in the hustle and bustle of weekend shoppers. 

Sunday we met some friends at PF Chang's at the mall. We had a great time and since we were there, we decided to do a little shopping. The LPs did great but it was difficult maneuvering the stroller through the large crowds. It's like we are invisible to some people. They expect me to move out of the way. I'm sorry but do you not see the two infants in this Cadillac that I am trying to push??? Jeez. People can be so rude! I was fed up and ready to go home within an hour of shopping. 

While we were getting trampled on at the mall, we ducked into Ted Baker to look around.  Much to my surprise, Nick was able to find a suit there! It looks AWESOME on him so we got it for Christmas. I am really happy for him. He's such a good looking man and I could tell he felt good in the suit. 

The LPs hanging out while daddy modeled for mommy. 

We headed home and lounged around watching football for the remainder of the day. Nick and I both had upset stomachs and were happy to kick our feet up. We are hoping and praying it's just the food from earlier and not something we pass  to the LPs. Say some prayers please!

Saturday, December 13, 2014

First week down!

Thursday was spent loving on my boys. Boy oh boy did I miss them! The day was also spent trying to get my milk supply up. I've been stressing out because I was a little short on ounces Wednesday. I started taking fenugreek and am trying to pump more often to stimulate my supply. My goal is to breastfeed for at least 6 months. Ideally I would love to do it for a year but 6 months seems a little more realistic. 

The boys didn't sleep well Wednesday night and I was up feeding them every 2 hours. I think they are in the middle of a growth spurt. No doubt I was tired Thursday morning. So tired that I was doing laundry and started a load without putting the clothes in. Oops!!! If that doesn't have pure exhaustion written all over it, I don't know what does!

I survived my second day back Friday and I was flying solo! I had a delivery around 9 with the sweetest little couple. It was exactly what I needed. After her recovery, I didn't get another patient until 5:15!!!! It was a great day catching up with my coworkers, getting some good pumps in, and knowing that when I got home from work, my parents would be there :)

My parents left San Antonio super early and relieved Lena from her duties. They loved on the babies and it was so nice getting pictures of the boys from Tutu. Lena doesn't have a smart phone so I don't get any from her. I may teach her how to use my iPad because I'm dying not seeing them while at work!!!

Mom had a homade meal ready when I got home and after feeding the LPs, I was out!!!!! This mommy is exhausted! The boys slept from 1030-5:30!!! They MUST be growing! I breastfed them at 5:40 and they slept until Nick woke them up at 8:30!!! Sweet loves are getting so big!

Today we have our three month photo shoot here at the house. Unbelievable how fast time has passed. Tonight is Nick's Deloitte Christmas party. Mom and I organized the boys room and found a bunch of things that need to be returned to Buy Buy Baby. Score!

I'm excited for this afternoon and I can't wait to see the magic Katie at Red Plum Photography creates next !!!!

The boys weren't very cooperative during their pictures. They were super fussy so we are going to schedule another day but Katie posted this one. They are looking more and more alike !!!

Our fam bam !!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

It wasn't so bad...

Today was my first day back at work. And it wasn't that bad!!!  

Yesterday was pretty bad. I cried off and on all day in anticipation of the day ahead. As much as I wanted to go back, catch up with all my friends and do what I love, I didn't (and don't) want to leave my boys. But it was inevitable. I had to go back. 

This morning I decided I had two choices. To make the most out of my day or to be upset about it. I chose to make the most out of it!!!

Last night I programmed the all important coffee pot for 4:20, made all of the bottles for the day and for my clothes ready. I wanted to be as prepared as I could be. 

The boys did great. They slept from 6:20-12, we fed them while I pumped and then they didn't wake up until a little after 5!!! Good job LPs! I was up at 4:45. I rinsed off and pumped while I got ready for work. By 5:30 both boys were changed and in the table for two being fed. I had to leave at 10 after 6. 

I stopped and got a Starbucks and parked in my new parking lot. After 7 years I'm finally moving up in the world! Thanks Baylor! 

Shawna, one of our supervisors, was with me for the day. I had to get back into all of the systems, reset all of my passwords and remember everything I was supposed to do!

We got report on our patient who was supposed to be going home but ended up staying. It was advantageous for me. I got to pretty much start from scratch. My IV skills were tested again and I got her delivered before I left. She kept me busy and that's what I needed. 

I was surrounded by so much love and support which helped tremendously. I was able to pump 3 times and I'm hoping and praying that my production doesn't decrease. I'm not exactly the fastest pumper. Jill kept reminding me that I'm pumping for TWO! It was just what I needed to hear. 

I couldn't get home fast enough. I was peeling my clothes off as I walked through the door. Both boys were wide awake and in my head, they were just as happy to me as I was to see them!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Where has the time gone???

Where oh where has the time gone? I blinked and I am going back to work. Tomorrow is my first day back since the end of June. I've never felt so many mixed emotions. I'm nervous, excited, scared, nauseous, sad, etc. 

My time at home with the LPs has been more rewarding than I could have ever anticipated. I love watching them grow and change before my very eyes. I love their little coos.  The way they talk to each other makes me chuckle. I feel like they already have their own secret language. I love their cuddles and how they bury their heads into me while we snuggle. I love how they shake their heads when their paci is close to their mouths in an effort to get it in as soon as possible. I love our time spent breastfeeding and the way they fall asleep when their tummies are full and they are milk drunk. I love watching their eyes roll into the back of their head as they reach oblivion. 

Pierce is so vocal when he sleeps. He cries out for no apparent reason with his eyes closed and paci in place. Knox has a quiet cry and since he doesn't cry often, it immediately gets your attention. He sounds like a little kitten hidden under blankets. 

Just when we are getting into the swing of things with our routine, it is time to go back to work. I feel so fortunate that I am able to be part time but I am going to miss spending every minute with my boys. We worked so hard to get them here, it breaks my heart to have to leave them. I feel like they are in great hands with Lena but I like them better in mine!!!

I'm praying for a great day tomorrow with lots of grace. Grace for myself from myself and grace from those around me. I'm excited to see all of my friends and I am excited to bring new life into the world. I pray that the LPs have a great day and that God takes away my worry. 

Prayers are appreciated!


Sunday morning, Nick dropped mom off at the airport. We are so thankful she was able to come up and luckily, we will see her again next weekend!  

Nick grabbed my favorite breakfast from McDonalds - an egg white delight and small sugar free non fat vanilla latte! We ate breakfast, and fed the boys

Not too long ago we met our neighbors, Pat and Bob, that live caddy corner behind us. They are a couple about our parents age who have offered multiple times to watch the LPs. 

Saturday, Pat had texted asking if we wanted her to come watch the boys Sunday and run a few errands. I told her we would love to and to let me know what time worked best for her. 

Around 1 she texted and said she could come over at 1:30. I was returning some things and told her 1:45 would work for us! I hurried home and tried to get the boys fed before she got there. 

Pat helped feed Knox and I finished feeding Pierce before we took off. Originally our plan was to go get Nick and haircut and gas up his car for the week and then go get lunch. We ended up gassing up his car, getting a magazine and headed to Jblacks for lunch. We didn't even know what to do with ourselves! 

We ordered a glass of wine (which neither of us finished) and a delicious pulled Chicken pizza. We ate, watched football and talked. It was a much needed breather from our normal hustle and bustle. That being said, we were ready to get home and love on the nuggets. 

Pat has a grandson that turned a year in November. Her son and daughter in law live out of state so she doesn't get to see them as often as she would like. I could tell she was eating it up and that warmed my heart. 

The rest of the day was spent loving on the boys. It was my kind of Sunday Funday!

Saturday, December 6, 2014

DU Christmas Party

My mom flew in Thursday afternoon. She is amazing. She came in to help me get organized before I return to work next week and to watch the LPs so we could go to Nick's Christmas party at DU  (Deloitte University). 

Thursday we went to Snyder Plaza and found the boys outfits for Santa. We then picked up lunch and my dry cleaning. We came back to the house and the organization ensued! We went through all of my drawers and got rid of things I haven't worn in forever or are too old and ragged that I needed to get rid of them. I then felt compelled to do Nick's.  That was an adventure; however, we are now organized and ready for action!

Nick brought home Velvet Taco and we hung out catching up. Mom and I sent Nick to the spare room so that he could get a good nights sleep and we took care of the boys. They did great! We fed them at 8 and again at 2 and they slept until 7. #winning!

Friday morning, Nick was up and at em and headed into the office. Mom and I got up and fed the boys and got ready. We were supposed to meet Jenny, Drake and Myrick to see Santa at 10:30. First we had to swing by Baby Bliss and get a different Santa hat. We didn't realize one was an x-small and the other was a medium! That's not gonna work!

Northpark was a zoo as it always is during the holidays. I thought it might be a little better since we were going on a Friday but boy was I wrong! 

Santa runs off a number system. We got #180 and were told to return around 1230 to see if we could get in. Sounds like a plan! Off to Breadwinners we went for lunch!  After lunch and strolling the mall for a little while, it was time to check back with Santa. 

Luckily we didn't have to wait too terribly long. I believe we waited about 30-45 minutes. It was enough time for mom and I to change the babies clothes and diapers as well as feed them. 

The boys did great! They stared at the lights overhead and I'm pretty sure Santa was enamored by them. He couldn't stop starring at them :). 

When it was time to take a picture with all 4 kiddos, it was a riot! Sweet MyMy had a complete breakdown while Drake just wanted to help everyone :). Best picture ever!!!

Nick had a car sent for me and I was off to DU to meet all of Nick's new coworkers. And boy are there a lot of them. I was wishing that we had name tags but that wasn't an option :(. 

I really enjoyed myself. Nick works with some great people and he is much appreciated by them all. He was talked about so highly and I couldn't be more proud!

We came home and mom had had a good night with the boys. We fed them and off to dreamland we all went!

Friday, December 5, 2014

5 on Friday

Only 19 more days to get your Christmas shopping done!!! Today, we took the boys to see Santa! Northpark Mall has the most amazing Santa and you're guaranteed to have to wait in quite the line to see him. We were #180 but we saw Santa before 1! Not too shabby!

My 5 on Friday this week is about no other than Christmas!!!!

1.  Candy cane striped outfits by Kissy Kissy.  Mom and I found them at a little boutique in Snyder Plaza called Baby Bliss. They were a little pricy but too freaking cute to pass up! 

2.  Santa hats that were also found at Baby Bliss. The boys look adorable in them and I think Santa was a little jealous ;)
Wearing the hats and outfits!

3. Did y'all get the Nordstrom catalog? I'm pretty sure I want everything in it. We are going to take a peek after pics. I'm really loving this:
I mean how cute??? Bracelet and watch bangles. Yes please!  Only problem for me is if the bracelets will fit my wrist :/

4.  And these:
I have some Burberry wellies that I adore but these would be super fun to have too!!! I love the sock accessory option. You can change up the look. I love that!

5. And this sweater- OMG
Burberry does it again. I wish I could do nothing but wear burberry. Everything is so classic. I love this look!

Anyway, there they are folks! My five favorites this week! I'm so thankful all went well with Santa. Next year may be a little more interesting :). HAPPY FRIDAY!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

We made it!

The LPs did great on the car ride home!!! We left my parents house at 4:45 and didn't stop until we got to West around 8. We filled up with gas, took a potty break and changed and fed the little nug-nugs. They were rockstars and slept most of the way. Not to mention we completely avoided the holiday traffic! Score for the Jobs!

The rest of the day was spent unpacking and doing laundry and attempting to get organized again. 

Monday we bundled up and headed to see Dr. Autumn. A huge cold front came in Sunday night but that didn't stop people from getting out of the house. We waited for about an hour and Dr. A fixed us all up!!!
Waiting at Cafe of Life!

We came home and spent the rest of the day snuggling and eating. These boys are growing! I'm just loving their sweet chunky cheeks and little personalities. They are beginning to smile more and I can't get enough of it!
Mom, enough with the pictures!

Knox is milk drunk!

So is P-man!

Snuggles with my boys while waiting for daddy!

Daddy brought chipolte home for dinner. We fed the LPs and then ate and both passed out cold. The boys did great and slept for 4-5 hours. We are not complaining!  Happy Monday to us!

Saturday, November 29, 2014


This morning, everyone got up and around. We were out the door around 11:15. Quite the feat for 8 adults and 2 infants if you ask me! 

Mom had made the suggestion that we   go to the Riverwalk. Grand idea!!! I have not been down there in a HOT MINUTE!!!

Our favorite restaurant is down there. It's called Boudros ( 
They have an incredible margarita called a prickly pear margarita. It's smooth and super tasty. They also have table side guacamole that they make with an orange. I'm not a huge guac person but this is pretty yummy. 

We made it down there and unloaded all 8 of us and the boys. They put a table together and we enjoyed a long lunch. We had to pick up the pace because Amanda had to be at the airport by 3:30ish. We made it in time!

At 6:30, the rest of the crew took off. When mom got home, we played with the boys, did laundry and packed up. Nick loaded the car and went upstairs to get some sleep. Our plan is to be on the road by 4. We will see!!

It was a Thanksgiving for the books. A farcry from my normal work thanksgivings- which are always fun, just not the  same as being with family. 

Friday at MK's

My amazing godmother, Mary Kay (aka MK or KK) had some people over to meet Pierce and Knox on Friday. 

Several people came over. I tried my best to get pictures of everyone who came over, but they are all on my good camera and not my phone :(

MK had quite the spread for us. Lumpia, stuffed mushrooms, meatballs, her famous chicken wings, pretzels and dip and an amazing Chinese salad. There were desserts galore. From my favorite- ladylocks - to lemon bars, brownies and a gorgeous "Pierce and Knox" cake that was DELICIOUS!!!! 

KK's husband, Steve, had put up the Christmas lights and we were able to snap a few pics outside. I loved this! Especially since Nick and I aren't decorating very much for Christmas this year. Our house has been overrun by baby things. Next year will be different. Hopefully we will be in a bigger house by then!!! 

Here are a few pictures of our special day. 

Me and the LP's

Our fam-bam!

Family and friends that we've made our family. Doesn't get any better!!!

KV and Pman!

Knox and daddy

Nick, the LP's, me, KV, Derek and Lollie!